O nas

Na naši ekološki kmetiji smo s konji povezani že več generaciji. Ta velika strast in ljubezen se prenaša iz roda v rod in na prvem mestu sta nam dobrobit in dobro počutje naših štirinožnih prijateljev.

Vašim gostiteljem in organizatorjem jahalnih počitnic je ime Borut in Tadeja. Midva poskrbiva za popolno nego in trening vseh konjev. Z njimi imamo večletne izkušnje in poznamo jih že tako dobro, da lahko predvidevamo vsak njihov korak.

Konje preprosto obožujemo, zato se nismo posvetili le določeni vzreji; pri nas lahko najdete toplokrvne, quarter in islandske konje različnih velikosti in karakterjev, vsi so odlično izšolani. Zaradi milega podnebja jim omogočimo tudi stalno bivanje na velikih pašnikih, kjer lahko živijo svobodno v veliki skupini.

Z vodenjem terenskega jahanja se ukvarjamo že veliko let. Zaupate nam lahko, da bomo za vas pripravili nepozaben dopust. Vsi naši vodniki so licencirani lokalni vodniki, zato odlično poznajo naše kraje ter njihovo zgodovino, kulturo in običaje. Zagotovimo vam, da ste v dobrih rokah. Izkoristite priložnost in se prepustite občudovanju naše prelepe pokrajine s konjskega hrbta. Že res, da bodo vaši škornji na koncu dneva umazani in lasje neurejeni, vendar oči se vam bodo svetile.

Superb - even better than I could have hoped for. Beautiful country, lovely people and wonderful horses. Favourite memory? The fantastic views from the top of the mountains on our third day ride (and all the "shots" before and after riding!!). Horses? The horses were very well cared for and obviously loved. The tack was in good condition. Guide? Borut was lovely. Friendly and informative with a really dry sense of humour and excellent English - the perfect host.”


Bridget M.

I am back from the horse trail in Slovenia and I would like to confirm to you that everything went perfectly fine and I had a fantastic time. Borut took care of every single aspect of the trail with great professionality and passion and all the people were kind and dedicated. Not only the ride was great and the horses beautiful and well treated but also the opportunity to enjoy the additional activities such as bear watching, visit of the coast in Istria and the caves and castles were just amazing. In few words it has been a great holiday organised by wonderful people.

Federico S.

The horses were fabulous, strong, fit, sure-footed, characterful and well-cared for. We covered all types of terrain, narrow paths through forests, open countryside with beautiful views, steep climbs and descents, tracks where we could give the horses their heads for exhilarating canters. Sight-seeing was interesting and enjoyable, particularly Lipica and Piran, and the friendliness and hospitality of everyone we met was heart-warming.”


Averil S. 

Kako nas lahko najdete

The usual route is to fly to Ljubljana airport where we can arrange a transfer to Šembije. The journey is 82km long and it takes approximately 1.5 hours. Alternatively, you can rent a car.

Return transfer pricing:
2 passengers = 50 euro/person
3+ passengers = 30 euro/person

Transfers can also be arranged from the following airports:
Trieste-Ronchi dei Legionari (Italy)
Venice (Italy)